On the June 30, 1966, a science teacher from Picopse, New York, Irv Gordon, rolled off the Volvo dealership in his brand new cherry red P1800. And he hasn’t stopped driving. Almost literally. Since then, Irv has logged more than 3 million miles in that very same car. Yes, 3 million miles. It’s a feat that’s almost impossible to believe, unless you own a Volvo.

That’s precisely the idea behind this fully integrated campaign: 3 Million Reasons To Believe. For every mile Irv’s traveled, there’s a reason to believe in Volvo. It’s the story of a man who started his journey in New Jersey and reached his 3 millionth mile in Alaska, one of the two states (Hawaii, being the other) Irv had yet to visit in his Volvo P1800.

We created an anthem TV spot and an online video to tell Irv’s incredible story. Please see below. (Creative Director | Co-writer)

We teased the 3 million mile milestone with a series of seven videos. Here’s one example.

We capped the momentous occasion with a final video, capturing the historical moment Irv reached 3 million miles. Three (expletive) million miles.

The campaign included a robust website to act as the hub of the campaign. Here, you could watch his videos, learn about Irv, explore his favorite roads and landmarks, share the campaign through social media and finally add your reason to believe. And it wasn’t only Americans who were interested: Fans from more than 145 countries engaged.

If you drive 3 million miles in one car, you deserve your very own logo.

Matt, meet Irv. Mr. Gordon, and our campaign, were featured on NBC’s TODAY Show.